ACP automatically creates new Act! database backups every night. You can access the backups for an Act! database by clicking the last backup widget on the database dashboard. This page list of recent backups and options for database Backups. 
At the top right of the Act! Database backup screen are three tools 
To create a new Act! backup, Click the plus sign, this will prompt you for what kind of backup you would like to create.
You can manage backup options by clicking on the wrench 
To restore from a previously created Act! backup, click the restore backups tool.
ACP collected meta data about each database before its backed up. This can be seen by clicking the + on the far left of the row for the backup
The meta data shows the number of records for the popular entities in the act database. The type of backup can also be determined from this information.

As of 8/1/2021 ActCloudPortal creates incremental ACT! backups. This is a proprietary method designed to be extremely efficient and save time.

Backups can show these options when trying to download the backup file.
Generate Full Backup
This option means that this backup is an incremental backup. When you click on Generate Full Backup, ACP will create a snapshot full backup using that incremental backup. While the backup is being generated the button will change to "Generating Full Backup" Once the backups is ready, the link will change to read  "Download Full Backup" This can take a few mins to complete. There is NOT a Queue item for this task.

This option allows you to download the backup. This backup type may be Full or SQL only.

This option allows you to request the backup to be moved back onsite for the next 7 days. This process can take several hours to complete. Make sure you are selecting the correct backup and not requesting a batch of backups to "try to figure out which one you need". This can be easier to determine using the meta data for each backup. You can see the meta data by expanding the database info using the icon on each backup.

How do Offsite backups work.
ActCloudPortal keeps the most recent 7 days of backups onsite ( in the same datacenter as the database), older backups are moved offsite into archive storage for 180 days.