Overview of Act! Cloud Portal

!!!! There is a YouTube Video that walks you through the portal. It is available here  !!!!

Act! Cloud Portal (ACP) is a web based control panel for managing Act! CRM databases that are hosted in cloud environments. ACP can be access by going to www.ActCloudPortal.com and logging in with your email address and password. Act! CRM Administrators can use ACP to manage Act! Users, Fields, Dropdowns, Create Remotes, review statistics, gather Act! Diag reports & much more.  Access to ACP should be restricted to only the users that need access to the system, as users will have access to full backups of the Act! databases, payment account information, hosting invoices, and other information that should be restricted to as few people as possible.
The documentation is in online and offline form.
You can download the offline version here.